Thursday, May 21, 2009

ITouch tips

3. Double clicking the home button in any application, or with the screen off will bring up the music controls.
5. Holding down letters on the keyboard will pop up the accents/symbols associated with those letters. Once it pops up, slide your finger over to the accent/symbol you like.
13. When typing if you want to add something from the numbers keyboard just hold down the numbers and slide your finger to the number or symbol you want, and release. It will take you back to your letters keyboard. This way you dont have to tap numbers, tap your number, then tap numbers again to go back. This also applies for using the 'shift' key to apply capital letters.
17. Make a spelling mistake? Press and hold the word you spelt wrong and a magnifying glass will appear. Slide your finger back and forwth to move the cursor.
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Friday, May 8, 2009

Fixin' X-org

clipped from

The quick answer… press Ctrl+Alt+F2 or similar to log into a TTY console, or type ‘init 3′ into a root X terminal.

If you haven’t already, log in as root and  kill X or type ‘init 3′ if you want to be heavy handed.  Then run:

X -configure
mv ~/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf

xorg.config in two commands.  Run the ‘init 5′ command to get back to your GUI login (or kdm or gdm or startx, etc if you know what you are doing.  Worst case remove the .conf and restart.)

If you are advanced enough to edit an xorg.conf, the above should be a cakewalk and you shouldn’t complain about it.

Regardless, you should investigate ‘xrandr’ which makes it simple to do runtime adjustments.

If you are a newbie, look into a gui.  KDE has KRandRTray which makes controlling outputs and resolutions a breeze.  Don’t forget to toggle the output on with the Fn key if you are a laptop user.

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